Forms & Permits (ATFs, AHEGs, TEPs, etc)

Ontario Soccer "On-Line" Forms for Tournaments.


Steps for an Application to Travel Permit:

  1. Go to the Ontario Soccer website
  2. Under top heading “Events”, click on “Tournament Directory
  3. A red bar across the middle  of your screen will appear that says “Tournament Directory”, click on this
  4. In the top right corner of your screen, click “I want to Register
  5. Enter the following required information;
    • District
    • Club Name
    • First and Last Name
    • Email/password
    • Phone Number

      Now Click Register

  6. Now that you have successfully registered, you are able to create and request an ATF
  7. Click ATF and enter the following information
    • District Name
    • Organization Name
    • Team/Squad Name
    • Team OSA Number
    • Gender
    • Age Group
    • Jurisdiction
    • Team Contact Name,  Phone Number, and Email
    • Destination City
    • Dates
    • Season
    • Event Name
    Now you must read and agree to terms and conditions
    *Save and Submit*
  8. Once you have submitted your ATF, you will get an email confirming your request sent to the District Office, they have 7 days to validate your ATF
  9. You will receive and email when the District has validated your ATF
  10. Now you must check the tournaments rules and regulations regarding whether they want the ATF’s sent electronically ahead of time, or if they want you to bring a hardcopy with you when you register the team at the tournament (NOTE: It is recommended that you bring a hardcopy print of your ATF once approved by District to the tournament)
    *To view and print ATF, click on the green eye beside the Application ID number
    NOTE: If the ATF is for a player wishing to travel and play in an exhibition game, the AHEG (Application to Host Exhibition Game) must be sent and approved by the district prior to the ATF being approved.
Other Forms and Permits Descriptions
Temporary Eligibility Permit
A player who is currently registered with a club but wishes to play as a Guest Player for another Club in a tournament must obtain a Temporary Eligibility Permit. This permit entitles the player to play for a registered Club Team of a Club other than the one with which they are registered in a game of any registered league or sanctioned competition.
Trial Registration Permit
A player who is not currently registered must obtain a Trial Registration Permit Form and validated Player Registration Book in order to play. The Trial Registration Permit entitles a player to play two games within a fifteen day period. A player may obtain 2 Temporary Eligibility Permits during a season, only one may be issued for any one club.
Short Term Registration Permit
A player who is not currently registered but wishes to play as a Guest Player for another Club in a tournament must obtain a Short Term Registration Permit. This permit entitles the player to play in a tournament.
Inter-Provincial Transfer
Any player currently registered in another province must apply for an Inter-Provincial Transfer. The procedure for doing this is that the Club must submit a request for the player to register with SOSA. SOSA will then contact Ontario Soccer who in turn will contact the other Province.
International Request to Transfer
An international transfer is required is a player who was registered in one country wishes to register in another country. Only players under 12 years of age are exempt from this requirement. International transfers are only permitted from player from 12 years of age to 17 years of age if the players family is relocating to the new country. Players 18 years of age and over do not require their families to relocate.

In addition, any player transferring from the United States must complete a United States Federation Application for International Clearance Form and submit the appropriate fee. This fee is established by and payable to the U.S. Soccer Federation.
Reinstatement Application Form
Any player that was previously registered as either a Non-Amateur or a Professional Player must apply using the Reinstatement Application Form and by submitting the appropriate fee , to be reinstated as an amateur before he can be registered to play on an amateur team.

Any player that played on a professional team during the outdoor season who wishes to play during the indoor season must apply for temporary reinstatement using the Temporary Indoor Reinstatement Application Form and submit the appropriate fee.